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A Taste of Critical Thinking Methods – 14.10.2024 – Prague

Lektoři: Mgr. Aleš Kozák, Mgr. Jana Zajícová

Dear teachers,

we are pleased to offer our course featuring  „A taste of critical thinking methods“. This course is designed for primary and secondary school teachers, but it can also be beneficial for high school educators. It is aimed at those who have encountered critical thinking methods only marginally or not at all, but it can also be useful for those who want to refresh and revitalize their understanding of certain methods.

During the course, you will become familiar with the three-phase learning model ABC (Anticipation – Building knowledge – Conclusion) and lesson planning. You will experience model lessons and will be able to try out some RWCT (Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking) methods from both  students‘ and  teachers‘ perspectives. In the lessons, you will encounter methods and activities that aid in developing critical thinking and engaging students. After each lesson, there will be an analysis, examining the individual methods used, their implementation in teaching, and pointing out the challenges that we as teachers might face. The analysis will always include time for finding specific applications for each of us in our teaching practice.

List of methods: ABC, Free write, Jigsaw, Mix-Freeze, Making prediction, Four corners, Thing – Pair – Share, Venn diagram, Analysis of characteristics, Alfabox etc.

Location: Prague

We will intersperse our learning with breaks for coffee, refreshments, and lunch.


Monday, October 14, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Price: 2.500 Kč

We look forward to working together!

Aleš and Jana

24 míst k dispozici

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